For this assignment we have to make a cubeworld by 20m 20m. We had to pick 5 random things. Setting, theme, era and object. The ones I picked are:

-Setting: In the sky
-Theme: Dangerous
-Era: Cold war
-Object: A spotlight

We have the choice to do 3D animation or texturing. I am going to make a animation in 3D.

I started to do research on the cold war. I didn't know a lot about this era so I looked up youtube videos and wikipedia. Here is my research:
After the research I started to sketch everything that I could come up with, these are some basic sketches:
After deciding which are the better ones, I choose 4 to work out:
A war plane (where u can look inside) , Mountain surrealistc idea of the berlin wall , A huge berlin wall with the two different sides , moon landing with the cold war map colors
After talking to a teacher a decided to go for the mountain idea. The idea is that it a surrealistic twist on the Berlin wall. The clouds represent the wall, underneath the clouds is the east side, where you can see broken houses, poor people etc. Rain is falling down. Above the clouds it is the west, you can see flats, prosperous. There is sunshine. 

My short story:

The Berlin wall changed a lot during the cold war. The west got more prosperous but the east got more poor. The differences were getting bigger and bigger each day. People from the east tried to climb the wall to get to the west. When they tried, most of them died or barely came to the east.

The clouds represent the wall, under the clouds you can see the east, above the clouds you can see the west. It is raining on the east and everything looks broken. The west has flats, a lot of modern things. You can see the big difference between the west and the east. People try to climb the mountain to get to the west but it is so hard for them. 

In this cubeworld you can see a man climbing the mountain:

His life in the east is getting harder and harder, there is no money or food to feed his family. He is taking his chance and climbs the mountain with hope. Hope to feed his family and come back with good news but before that, he has to make this dangerous climb. Will there be a better life above the clouds? Will he find there what he is looking for? 
There are people watching the border and he knows if he is seen, he gets a bullet through his head. It is a rainy day so that will help him get to the other side of the clouds unseen. Will he make it? Will he come back safely with good news for his family?

My mood- and styleboard:

Click here for the full version

Style board
Block out in Maya
Very simple blockout because I am going to make the cubeword in a new program. Magicavoxel. So during this program I will learn 2 new programs, magicavoxel and blender for animation. 
After the pitch with my teacher, we totally forgot about the scale of 20 m by 20 m. We decided that the mountain could stay but the objects on the mountain should be in scale. 
I tried this out in a 3D program, but I was not happy with the idea. I think my idea wouldn't come out as it should. You would not properly understand my concept of the Berlin wall. 
So after trying to fix the mountain idea, I decided to start on a new concept that fit the 20m 20m scale. 
So I went back to my sketches. The only one that is in scale is the airplane. I decided to combine the airplane with the 3th sketch, but leave the big wall out and make it in scale.

Here I have my new version of the story:

The Berlin wall changed a lot during the cold war. The west got more prosperous but the east got more poor. The differences were getting bigger and bigger each day. People from the east tried to climb the wall to get to the west. When they tried, most of them died or barely came to the east.

In this cubeworld you can see a man climbing the wall:

His life in the east is getting harder and harder, there is no money or food to feed his family. He is taking his chance and climbs the wall with hope. Hope to feed his family and come back with good news but before that, he has to make this dangerous climb. Will there be a better life on the other side? Will he find there what he is looking for? 
There are people watching the wall from the watchtower and he knows if he is seen, he gets a bullet through his head. It is a rainy day so that will help him his chance to get to the other side of the wall . Will he make it? Will he come back safely with good news for his family?
Here my new blockout:
My progress:
After finishing my model in magicavoxel, I got to learn a new program; Blender. In blender I'm doing the animations. I added rain, lighting, spotlights and fog. I used 300 frames. 
After some struggle, I finished my cubeworld:
The animation:
Unfornately some of the animations didn't end up working in sketchfab. The lighting is the only animation that works.


It went really well, I learned 2 new programs. Magicavoxel is a really fun program for some awesome pixelart and blender is really easy for animation.

There are some things that I could have done better but for the first time using these programs, I'm really statisfied.

Cold War Cubeworld

Cold War Cubeworld
